Thursday 14 October 2010

I am hardworking, have good time keeping skills...

Yes the time has come to dust off and update that CV. Although mine isn't that outdated as I have just successfully started working at 2 different jobs, must be doing something right with the CV business!
However I needed to make it more personal, and more fashion related.
I started with the classic, my name and my key skills. I feel that companies get through hundreds of CVs a days, you want yours to stand out, by having your keys skills at the top of the page you hope to grab their attention.
Further down I have my qualifications and any work experience I have completed.
As for the personalization of the CV I chose a simple black boarder and a black butterfly, a family symbol, simple, classic and minimal, much like my style and at the end of the day that was who I want to represent!
Next came my work placement wishlist.
Over the summer whilst waiting to start my summer job I had a month off with nothing to do, so I decided to organise my life and make a list of places I wanted to work and their contact details, so making my wish list was pretty easy, I did add some places onto the list that weren't fashion related such as Twickenham Rugby Stadium and Harlequins Rugby Stadium, being a massive rugby fan and wanting to work in events meant that these two places would also be ideal, and also give me a chance to branch outside of the fashion industry.
Some other places I put down included Wonderland magazine, Elle magazine, Indigo PR and Taylor Herring PR.
All the places I listed would be amazing places to work, I would be sincerely grateful to work at any of them!!


  1. Great experience :) You have a nice blog. Now following you, care to follow back XOXO

  2. You have a great blog. Thanks for your comment.

